Take Ten over the years
A list of the top ten plays from the our festivals.
2023 - Take Ten
The Waiting Room by Clare Griffin​​
Please Hold On by Cherielyn Ferguson​
Outcasts and Rebels by Marj O’Neill-Butler​
The Worst Taste by Katie Lee​
Pathways by Michael Olsen ​
The Changing Room by Guy Newsham​
Swimming In Sebastopol by Michael Olson
This Time It Will Work by Katie Lee ​
Nijinsky’s Admission by Michael Normandy​​
Ahavah by Dana Hall and David Lipschutz
There was no Take Ten performed in 2020 or 2021 due to lockdowns.
2019 - Take Ten 2019
That was Well Handled by Sarah Fernee
Valentines Day by Stacey Gietman
Ingenue by John Jennings
Shower by John Jennings
Daring Dating! by Katie Lee
Gimme Some Kit Kats! by Katie Lee
He Said…She Said! by Katie Lee
Four Play by Dean Spijer
Let Me Say This… by Dean Spijer
The Secret Life of Phones by Dwayne Yancey
2018 - Take Ten 2018
My Perfect Mate by Ethan Bortman
A Rose by Any Other Name by Sarah Fernee
Chinese Whispers by Sarah Fernee
It Started with a Thwack by John Jennings
A Chick Pic by Kathie Lee
Beige Weddings and Coral Dresses by Kathie Lee
Truth or Dare by Kathie Lee
Kindness Pays by Rex McGregor
Outfox by Rex McGregor
So Sorry for Your Loss by Joe Starzyk
2017 - Take Ten 2017
The Genesis of Ronald Rump by Ethan Bortman (Comedy)
Beginning With Intent by Catherine McKernan Doris (Drama)
The Karma Fairy by CE Griffin (Comedy)
Coffee by Katie Lee (Drama)
Flight of the Cows by Rex McGregor (Comedy)
The List by Barry O’Neill (Comedy)
Liar by Chris O’Neil (Drama)
Wound Up by Kate Reynolds (Drama)
Pet Zombie by Martin Stolp (Comedy)
Altered Expectations by Suzy Wilds (Drama)
2016 - Take Ten 2016
Selling Point by Vishesh Abeyratne
Wallet by Sarah Fernee
Anywhere but Home by Chris O’Neill
The Pitch by Damien Perry
War Babies by Madeline Puccioni
Pillow talk by Peter Saunders
The Play’s the Thing Ain’t It by Joe Starzyk
Whistle and his Mother by Joe Starzyk
It’s Not Over ’til the Bald Soprano Sings by J Weintraub
Lion’s Den by Heather Zubek
2015 - Take Ten 2015
It’s for the Birds by George Bryjak
Melody by Julie Johnston
FOMO by Jason Matthews
Tango Mike by Aleks Merilo
Unsaid by Kylie Rackham
Bless Me Father by Joe Starzyk
The Golden Years by Joe Starzyk
Two Million Birds by Thomas W Stephens
Transports of Delight by John Tilbrook
Skivvies by Cath Tregillis
2014 - Take Ten 2014
Behind Quota by Damian Perry
Bliss by Miller Shor
Food Porn ’77 by Pooja Nellore
Fruit and Nuts by Michael Lill
Lipstick and Mirrors by Beverly Lello
So Thin by Beverly Lello
Love and Patients by Ross Tandowski
Math by T. Adamson
Owl Nowhere by T. Adamson
Sunday Lunch by Felicity James & Helen Scott
2013 - Little Gems 2013
The Cupcake Kid by Kari Lightner
A Leading Role by Beverly Lello
Double Image by Beverly Lello
Errata by Jane Cafarella
Exorcising Elvis by John Tillbrook
Folly by Carolyn Stuart
Perceptions by Felicity James & Helen Scott
The Moon Boy by Sara Seal
Turning Tables by Michael Lill
Write to Life by Felicity James & Helen Scott
2012 - Little Gems 2012
Going Once, Going Twice by Cerise de Gelder
Two Todays, No Tomorrows by Colin Donald
The Nine Tales of Jinx by Cerise de Gelder
Natural Mothers by Kylie Seeberg
Interval by Beverley Lello
It’s Only a Spider by Cerise de Gelder
Small Talk by Kylie Rackham
Foreclosure by Pete Maliki
On The Edge by Kylie Rackham
Time Capsule by John Tilbrook

2011 - Eleven Little Gems
Flight Path by Deborah Sheldon
Secret Frog Business by Jeanne Haughton
Coda by Kylie Rackham
Unlocked by Beverley Lello
Vermillion by Gaylene Carbis
Let’s Do Lunch by Gaylene Carbis
Sacked by Kay Poiro
Grass Roots by Carolyn Stuart
The Dream by Liliane Grace
Mail Order Muse by Hayley Lawson-Smith